This page will serve as a go to page for lesson, activites and code
Get in TouchOn the first line of code, create a new variable named player_health and set it equal to 1000. Print this variable value on second line. On third line reduce value of variable by 100. Print new value on fourth line.
Modify the Code from above to Ask User for Their Name and put this value in a Variable. Modify the code to print the user's name along with his health.
Fix the bugs in the code. player_health should be an integer and player_has_magic should be a boolean.
player_health = "100"
player_has_magic = "True"
# don't touch below this line
print(f"player_health is a/an {type(player_health).__name__}")
print(f"player_has_magic is a/an {type(player_has_magic).__name__}")